Terms of use

1. Legal information

Site owner: SAS ENYGEA
Address: Aréa, 6 allée du Progrès – 59320 Englos
Tel: +33 320 893400
SIRET : 48336464200031
Share capital: €670,284
Publication manager: Hervé MONTAGNE

2. Credits

Graphic design, development and integration :
Agence KaméléCom, graphic design experts in Lille, Nord.
Site hosting :
Photo credit: LOOLOO / ENYGEA. Most of the photographs and illustrations on the www.looloo-services.com website are original photos from ENYGEA photo shoots. Reproduction forbidden without authorization. The legal basis for the use and processing of personal data may be based on :
– the performance of a commercial or subcontracting relationship evidenced by an order agreement;
– or the execution of applicable sales and rental conditions ;
– or our legitimate interest as lessor and service provider;
– or the legitimate interest of the parties concerned;
– or the enforcement of any applicable legislation.
Please note that we may supplement our customer data with public information (e.g. from the commercial register). We point out the transfer of customer and contact data between different ENYGEA Group entities. We also point out the transfer of our customer and contact data to delivery or cleaning service providers.

3. Objectives and content quality

This site aims to inform the general public and professionals. ENYGEA strives to provide quality, verified information. However, if any information appears to be inaccurate or contains a typographical error, please notify the site administrator.

4. Intellectual property rights

The contents presented on this site are subject to copyright legislation; as a result, the general design, texts, images, know-how and all other elements making up the graphic structure of the site are the exclusive property of the owner, with the exception of short quotations which belong to their respective authors and which have been included under the terms of article L. 122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code. The reproduction, even partial, of all or part of this site (other than that technically necessary for its consultation) on any electronic medium whatsoever is expressly prohibited. Any use of the site’s content in contravention of these provisions constitutes an infringement within the meaning of Article 335-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code.